Odd Saturday

IMG_1342We awoke at 6:30! 6:30 people!!! The girls let me sleep in! We made some pumpkin pancakes because we are basic and love pumpkin! I also managed to get some soup in the crockpot for dinner. After breakfast, we had a soccer game in which my daughter actually played today! There was still thumb sucking but she at least seemed to try. Afterwards, we went to the local deli for lunch with the whole family and did some shopping. It was about 1:30ish when we got hope and BOTH girls went down for a nap! AT THE SAME TIME! I got a workout in and by 3 I was like what the heck am I going to do with myself?!? Sooo I cracked open a bottle of wine and made banana/pumpkin/chocolate chip bread. Again, I’m basic and love pumpkin. I will not drink pumpkin spice lattes though because for some reason they taste like laundry soap to me. Weird I know!

Anyways, the bread turned out fantastic so here’s the recipe! Happy Saturday!


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