My first blog post.

Hello everyone! I have a crazy life of just attempting to stay sane each day. I know there are many mamas out there that have busier schedules, are doing things alone, working two jobs, have more children, etc. I don’t know how you do it! You are super heroes!

I just started this blog so that I could have a place to vent about my daily struggles as a working mom. There is never a day that goes by that I go to bed feeling refreshed, like everything is caught up in the house, and I got to spend as much time as I would of liked with my kids. Most nights, when I finally get to bed, I can’t shut off the never-ending list in my head of all the things that need done, stuff I forgot to do, and events on the calendar. I fall sleep feeling guilty that the kids spent most of the day away from me. I’m stressed that there might not be a clean, folded towel awaiting bath time in the morning. I feel overwhelmed that the sink is full of dinner dishes that didn’t get done so I will attempt to do them in the morning before work. I lastly feel anxious that my 3 year old might have her night terrors all night and I don’t know the best way to deal with them.  

I hope to share my thoughts and personal opinions on being a wife, mother, housekeeper, personal chef, party planner, employee, co-worker, daughter, and friend. While these are not my ‘professional titles’, they are the jobs of every woman who chooses to have a family.


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